Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

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The secret world of lavender

Lavender Essential Oil

Three different lavenders are processed commercially into Lavender Essential Oil. There are something like 450 different varieties of lavender, in 50 categories, scattered around the world. All have perfume.

Some lavenders like cool moist climates, some hot and steamy.  All are excellent burn remedies. Make sure your lavender essential is 100% water processed.

Lavender Bar Soap

Lavender as first aid

Simple Burn Remedy

Lavender is an amazing plant. We left a gigantic lavender plant at our house when we moved. I considered digging it up and taking it with us, but at 10 feet in diameter!!, I thought it was better to leave it there where it thrived.

I always have some lavender essential oil near my kitchen and in my 1st aid kit. It is not recommended to directly touch any essential oil, but to always mix it with a carrier, such as water , hydrogen peroxide, or apple cider vinegar. Or mix your lavender essential oil with a natural oil, such as olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil or another oil of your choice.

Make a 1st Aid Kit

Mild sunburn remedy

Simple Relief

Three Lavenders are grown for commercial Lavender Essential Oil use.

  1. True Lavender
  2. Spike Lavender
  3. Lavandin

Each lavender has a different medicinal use and distinct perfume. Remember, any lavender is an excellent burn remedy.

Click here to read about a serious burn story, with a happy ending.

Use lavender essential for a mild sunburn. Take a bowl or reuse a plastic quart yogurt container. Pour in 1 cup of apple cider vinegar.

Add ONE drop of lavender essential oil. Use a plastic pipette, glass dropper, or a dropper top bottle. Try to avoid touching undiluted essential oils. Gently swilrl the mixture around to blend it.

I prefer to do this in the shower, before bed. It will sting. I stand under the running water. You can use cold-ish water if you prefer.

Take a clean washcloth and submerge it into your mixture. Wring it out, leaving it full of your mix, but not totally dry. Gently lay the wet washcloth on your sunburned area and gently press so the mix comes out of the washcloth and onto your skin.

Repeat until you use up the mixture. When finished with your shower, pat yourself dry. The sting should be gone by morning.

Lavender Essential Oil

True Lavender Essential Oil

Bulgarian Lavender

True Lavender on a commercial scale is mostly grown in Bulgaria, with some in France. Our Lavender is from Bulgaria, which is of the highest perfume quality. It's herbal and flowery notes, with hints of sweetness all combine to make an exquisite pleasing aroma that floats through the air like a fresh bouquet of flowers. We have been using this lavender essential  since we started making soap in 1999.

Sometimes the oil has, what I call a greener smell to it, which is due to that years weather conditions.

Other times, the lavender essential will be more flowery or have a slight sharp note to it. It all depends on weather and soil conditions.

Essential Oils and Their Benefits

Spike Lavender Essential Oil

Wild Lavender

I don't have a lot of experience with Spike Lavender Essential Oil. It is a wild variety, native to France and Spain.

It is a light delicate perfume that was used for many "pains in the head". Smelling any lavender, is a nice mind relaxer. Many people use it to help them sleep.

Lavender Beeswax Lip Balm

Hybred essential oil

Lavendin Essential Oil

Lavandin is a natural hybrid grown mainly in Southern France, where the 2 parent plants grow wild, at different altitudes. French lavender essential oil is a blend of its native lavandin and true lavender. In my experience, lavandin has what I call a lemony note to it.

It's a good idea to make sure your essential oils are 100% percent water processed.

Instant Liquid Soap Lavender

Mild itchy remedy for scalp

Itchy scalp

We put lavender essential oil in our Olive Oil Shampoo Bar Fresh Scent, as a mild itchy scalp remedy.

The essential oil blend in our Fresh Scent Shampoo Bar are:

  • Lavender
  • Lemongrass
  • Rosemary
  • Clove
  • Patchouli
  • Tea Tree

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Olive Oil Shampoo Bar Fresh Scent