Apple Pie Recipe
I come from a pie making family. Everyone has their unique version specialty of what a pie should be. Add to your holiday gatherings by making an apple pie.
Wendy's Apple Pie
What you need:
6-10 apples (depending on the size) - any variety
1/2 cup sweetener (optional). This can be honey, maple syrup, cane syrup, white or brown sugar.
3 cups flour (any kind that you prefer)
3/4 cup olive oil (or whatever oil you prefer)
3/4 cup water or milk (any kind)
Vanilla, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg to taste
1 extra T flour
1 pie plate
Rolling pin
1. Preheat oven to 350℉
2. Put the oil, water, and flour in a bowl. Stir together until it all the liquid is absorbed. Place dough on a floured surface and kneed until it becomes cohesive and soft. Let the dough rest while you prepare the apples.
3. Peel and core your apples. Cut into 1/2 in pieces. Place the apples in a bowl. Add spices and the extra flour. Toss to coat the apples evenly. Set aside.
4. Oil your pie plate. Sprinkle a dusting of flour over the oil and tap the pie plate to coat the oiled surface with the flour.
5. Give your dough a quick kneed to wake it up, and form a ball. Cut the ball in half.
6. Lightly sprinkle the surface you will be rolling out your pie dough. Roll out 1 ball of dough so it is big enough to line the pie plate with 1-2 " hanging over the edge of the plate.
7. Fill the pie plate with your apple mix.
8. Roll out the other half of the dough and cover the filling. Pinch the top and bottom crusts together and roll the edges under to form the edging. Flute the edges together by making pinches with your thumb and forefinger on one hand and your forefinger on the other.
9. Place the pie in the oven and bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour.
10. When the crust is beautifully browned and the aroma is wafting through the air, remove the pie from the oven and let it cool for about 1 hour. Cut into 8 pieces and enjoy!

Wash the dishes
Get your host or hostess Instant Liquid Soap to assist with clean up after a great meal.