Sour pickles

Sour pickles

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Pickle cucumbers

Pickling cucumbers are so delicious. Sweet and crunchy, making the best sour pickles. 

It's so easy to make sour pickles. All you need is:

  • Canning jars
  • Salt  (I used pink salt this time)
  • Clean drinking water
  • Your choice of spices (I use hot peppers). Dill and garlic classic.
  • Pickling Cucumbers
  • Onions (optional)
  • Pickle Pipes (or you can manually burp your jars 2x a day)-get these supplies at any store with canning supplies.

Wash your cucumbers with soap and water.

I prefer to cut off both ends to maintain crunch and prevent issues.

Add between 1/4t-1t salt to each jar (your preferred amount). Add 1/2 cup water and dissolve salt. Pack in the cucumbers, onions and spices in layers to just below the jar neck. Fill the jars with water. Place in your clean weights and cover with your pickle pipes. I leave them to ferment  at room temperature for 3-5 days in a place out of the direct sunlight. Then remove weights, and pipes and eat and refrigerate.


Fruit and Vegetable Wash