Winter Squash
It's officially Autumn. The leaves have begun to change color and the Winter Squash harvest has begun.
There are so many pretty varieties, they are decorative. Winter squash is a wonderful food, because it stores in it's own protective shell.
Some varieties, if harvested and cured correctly, can be stored in a cool, dry, dark place for months until you are ready to cook it. Boiled, baked, soup, pie, vegetable or dessert, Winter Squashes are a nutritious addition to the Fall holiday menu.
Since Winter Squash thrives when they grow touching the dirt, I wash them well before cooking. In the photo to the left you can see the dirt. Click the link below to see how pretty that very same squash looks when sudsy and clean.
I love to collect a bunch of these, so I have a selection to choose from. The Ithaca Farmers Market is open on Saturdays 9-3 and Sundays 10-3 through the end of October.
If you decide to peep the red, orange, yellow leaves here in Ithaca, make sure you visit us in booth 6.