Peppers, tomatoes, zucchinis, berries and so much more.
Ithaca Farmers Market hours: Sat. 9-3. Sun. 10-3
Visit us in Booth 6
It is the middle of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere on Planet Earth. This means humans go on vacation en masse. This could mean lots of time in the car.
Personally, I love a good car trip. I pretty much move into my car, making it as comfortable as possible, with things I think of as "comfortable". Mostly, that means I can clean up whenever I want, and eat what I want, in case there isn't anything I'd like to eat along the way.
I bring good soap, good drinking water and towels. A cooler, filled with ready to eat foods and some basic picnic tools like plates, cups, utensils, and a travel coffee rig.
The Instant Liquid Soap can be made into Go Soap to make your trip easy. You can easily wash your hands after pumping gas, in a rest stop public bathroom, or right before you eat some street vendor food. The soap is perfect to get your hands clean, kill germs, and it evaporates so you can enjoy a picnic lunch at the beach.
Did you accidentally spill a cup of coffee in the car? The Go Soap will clean it right up.
If you're driving in a rural area, on a dirt road, Go Soap will clean the dust off of your windshield.