Beard and Body Soap

Beard and Body Soap

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Beards are exposed to everything

One soap for your beard and body

Beards are exposed to more than just the elements. Air, dust, perfumes, indoor and outdoor fumes from cooking, car exhaust, HVAC systems, cleaning solutions, camp fires, and smells of all kinds love to stick to hair and sink in.

Unlike the hair on your head, beards are also subject to everything you eat, drink and smoke (if you do such a thing).

In the case of natural beard soap, your beard and body soap can be the same. 

Crumbs from bread and cookies, drips from sodas, coffee, cocktails and even water, and any food that touches your beard, may easily wipe off and look ok, but it all leaves a residue, sometimes sticky, with a corresponding smell. This needs to be cleaned off, sometimes more often than the hair on top of your head.

Bar Soap

The right soap for your beard and face

Many Scents to choose from

Natural bar soap works very well for washing beards and for shaving them off. As you can see in the photo above, Andy can speak very well to beard and body soap being the same bar of soap.

The best beard and body soap produces a thick creamy lather that will manage thick beard hair, while conditioning the hair and your facial skin underneath at the same time. You want to take care in choosing the right beard and body bar soap, so your tender skin underneath that protective beard, benefits as well.

Beard and body bar soap is easy to apply to your beard. Continue reading below for instructions on how to wash a beard with bar soap.

Wash your beard with body soap


Here is easiest and the most thorough method for how to wash a beard with body bar soap. 

  1. Remove twigs and shake out excess debris.
  2. Step into the shower or bath or lean over the sink.
  3. Get your beard thoroughly wet.
  4. Pick up a dry bar of soap, and rub a few strokes of soap on your cheeks and under your chin. If you have a long beard continue rubbing a few more strokes of soap down to the beard tips. 
  5. Splash a bit more water on top of the soap you just applied.
  6. With your hands, vigorously rub your cheeks, under your chin and the beard itself to create a big thick lather.
  7. Use your fingertips to scrub the skin underneath your beard on your face and neck.
  8. Rinse thoroughly from earlobes to the point of your chin. Especially rinse well under your chin.
  9. Repeat as many times as necessary, in case your beard is very dirty. 
  10. Good natural soap for beard washing should create a big lather. If the lather goes away quickly, this could mean one of a few things. Your beard could be very dirty and needs more soap.

Good natural bar soap lather has the function of collecting excess oil, dirt and debris. If the lather fills up, the suds disappear. In this case, rinse and wash again until your beard is squeaky clean.



Beards tend to have more wiry hair than head hair. We recommend using a coconut oil bar of soap for your beard, and Olive Oil Shampoo Bar for your hair.

Shampo Bar

Natural Beard Soap is best

Choose wisely

Choose your natural beard soap for men wisely. Thick sudsy lather performs the critical function of collecting  all of the excess oil and dirt, while sufficiently moisturizing the skin underneath.

A natural aroma is best, since a beard is directly underneath your nose, and you will be smelling it all of the time. There is no escape from the aroma. Lastly, you want your beard to be soft after you washed it. A soft beard is comfortable on your face and for your loved ones.

Lip Balm is the best beard conditioner


Since beard hair is different than head hair, conditioning needs are also different. Generally a good coconut oil bar of soap, like Ithaca Soap, will also condition your beard. 

Occasionally you may want to apply a tiny amount of conditioner. LiXTiK Lip Balm is the perfect beard conditioner. Use less than you would on your lips, unless your beard is long or BIG. Then you may want to use the same amount of LiXTiK Lip Balm as you would on your lips. Use the same application method as the best long hair conditioner, described

LiXTiK Lip Balm