Chapter 2 Bar Soap Sayings

Chapter 1 Bar Soap Sayings Replaced by Bar Code

Bar Soap Sayings without bar code

There are quite a few more scents of bar soaps, that did not get bar codes necessary to be on bigger store shelves.



Saying: Get to know yourself

Peppermint Bar Soap is associated with the number 12.

The number 12 symbolizes time standing still long enough to collect your thoughts, before moving ahead with purpose.

As Andy and Wendy settled into the soap makers life of slow manufacturing, it was time to give the business a name. They picked 17th Century Suds as a hat tip to the common people of Europe using soap on a daily basis in the 17th Century.  Herb tissue paper was used to wrap the soap, with home printer labels saying the company name and the soap aroma.

Andy and Wendy’s perspective began to change and adapt to a stable lifestyle of a weekly farmers market, instead of Wendy traveling to art and craft shows in different locations, and Andy traveling to different theaters, for music gigs. They settled in.

Peppermint is a purifier. Take the time to get reacquainted with yourself and cleanse your body and soul. Renew.

Summer Meadow

Saying: Take Long Walks

Summer Meadow Bar Soap is associated with the number 13.

The number 13 symbolizes transformation, leading to rebirth.

In the beginning, the soap molds were anything. Plastic tubs, cardboard boxes, whatever was on hand to hold the soap as it cooled. Wendy also color coded each soap scent with healing herbs, spices, and foods, giving each soap a distinctive look and texture.  This created trimmed scraps, that were turned into decorative bars with a variety of  colors and textures.

As attractive as these potpourri  bars looked, they didn’t function as well as Andy and Wendy had hoped.  As Andy streamlined the production, he made wooden molds. The soap was transformed and renewed into the classic white smooth soap that lathers beautifully.

Summer Meadow is romantic and purifying, bringing love to a new level. Find your inner love through meditative long walks. Transform a relationship, bringing it to a new level.

English Garden

Saying: Look at all viewpoints

English Garden Bar Soap is associated with the number 14.

The number 14 symbolizes confidence to keep the mind open, approaching life with a balanced viewpoint.

Wendy developed more soap scent combinations, by listening to what shoppers were seeking. Their bar soap variety was expanding, as the timing coincided with increased interest in more natural soap, instead of commercially made irritating soap like substances.

During this time, a logo was developed for 17th Century Suds, and professionally made boxes were manufactured to keep the bars protected from the elements, so when you opened your new bar of soap, it was fresh and clean, ready for the shower.

English Garden will assist you to relax into purity of the heart, with sharp, mental clarity. This will assist in seeing life’s secrets hidden in plain sight.


Saying: Enjoy the Sunrise

Eucalyptus is associated with the number 15.

The number 15 symbolizes listening to your small voice and taking small steps toward your goals.

Picking a box manufacturer was a tricky process, which included many setbacks and weeding out slippery people. Learning how to discern who to work with and who to leave behind, was a time consuming process.

After many phone calls, (before almost every business had a web presence of some kind), Wendy finally found a friendly person who understood a fledgling business going for a professional look. He liked her mission statement, and gave the company a chance. This lead to a trusted relationship with the box manufacturer that still manufactures Ithaca Soap’s boxes today.

Andy and Wendy freed themselves from the tasks of making soap wrappers, cutting and pasting labels, and assembly. This transformed into a faster packaging process with a professional look.

Eucalyptus symbolizes expanding your breathing to a new day. You have the choice to embrace the sunrise by actually watching it. New choices are available, should you choose to acknowledge them.

Cinnamon Oat

Saying: Stand up as tall as possible

Cinnamon Oat Bar Soap is associated with the number 16.

The number 16 symbolizes connecting with Mother Earth by walking and taking in her energy through your feet.

As the soap business moved ahead, Wendy needed to take some time out to pay attention to her health. It would have been the time to go to wholesale shows and expand their soapy presence across the country. Instead Andy took over manufactory, while Wendy learned to build a website.

Wendy continued to run the Ithaca Farmers Market booth, while learning how to become and stay well. The internet opportunity transformed her paper newsletters to e newsletters. During this time, Wendy was on the market’s marketing committee, and learned the local agricultural cycles, which became ingrained in their lives.

Cinnamon Oat will grant you the opportunity to explore your psychic abilities and discover your lucky side.

East of Egypt


Saying: Exercise daily

East of Egypt Bar Soap is associated with the number 17.

The number 17 symbolizes being prepared for anything.

It was time to give the soap business a face lift with new colors, new life, and a new branded name. Ithaca Soap was hatched. Wendy searched high and low for a team to assist her with this. They needed to be the right people with love in their hearts and an appreciation for Andy and Wendy’s business ethics.

  After months of searching, the perfect team was formed. They discussed how to take the integrity of the product and project it through a drawing. Colors, the 1920’s style font, Bertha, the girl in the tub, and Otto, the man with the hat, came to life. Otto was Andy’s Great Grandfather, on his father’s side. Bertha was one of Wendy’s great aunts on her father’s side.

East of Egypt bar soap can inspire you to to be physically and spiritually fit. This way when opportunity crosses your path you are ready to go for it!

Patchouli Tangerine

Saying: Challenge yourself regularly

Patchouli Tangerine Bar Soap is associated with the number 18.

The number 18 symbolizes illumination by loving and living life to its fullest potential.

While all of this was going on, Ithaca Soap also developed and produced a line of beeswax lip balm, beeswax creams, liquid soaps, and an olive oil shampoo in gel form. Every label, package, business card, and website had to be switched over to the new look. This took time, a few years, in fact, and careful work with the design team.

On top of that, in their personal life, they decided to pursue a lifelong dream of buying a piece of land and building a cottage style house. This involved getting the feel for the land and picking the perfect spot to build the house. As they mulled this over, they made a mock up piece of the land out of cardboard, with paperboard tiny buildings. It was a fun and challenging time.

Patchouli Tangerine Bar Soap invites you to take on a personal challenge. Look within, find self love, expand and bring a hidden dream to life.

Lavender Oat

Saying: Beautify your surroundings

Lavender Oat Bar Soap is associated with the number 19.

The number 19 symbolizes out with the old and in with the new.

Everything was being changed, all at once. Andy and Wendy, along with the soap business, were in a place of renewal. The old 17th Century Suds logo, and the old house were being shed at the same time. It could have been looked as a time of upheaval, but the newness of it all was a time of clarity and illumination.

The new Ithaca Soap logo was turning out to be a great piece of commercial art. It had personality and feeling. Bertha exuded the energy of taking care to make everything beautiful: yourself, your attitude, and your surroundings. 

Lavender Oat reminds us that what is perceived to be no longer useful, can be new for someone else. Shed that which no longer serves you. This creates a space for something new.

Grapefruit Oat

Saying: Tolerate others

Grapefruit Oat Bar Soap is associated with the number 20.

The number 20 symbolizes a connection to your higher self.

Before this time, the bar soap size was in an experimental stage. There was a 3 oz. size, and an 18 oz.,  cut your own bar size. The 18 oz size changed again to a 9 oz. size, around the same time that the new logo was emerging.  The 9 oz. bar was packaged in a plant cellophane bag. Many mistook the cellophane for plastic. None of the sizes were optimal, nor was the cellophane bag.

Judgement, discernment, and the realization that the perfect bar size, would yield the longest lasting and absolutely sudsiest bar of soap. The bar soap size changed again to the 5 oz. bar size, which is still used today. A new box size was made and all of the other size options were abandoned.

Grapefruit Oat can assist you to open the doorway to your higher self. 


Saying: Think positive thoughts often.

Amber Bar Soap is associated with the number 21.

The number 21 symbolizes expanding consciousness.

The bar soap was colored with foods and herbs known for their skin enhancing qualities.  Wendy made these colors to go with each scent, color coding each bar of soap. This made it easy to tell what the bar of soap was, at a glance.  After a few years, this caught on with other soap makers, including a company she used as an ingredient source. As everyone began to make their soap look this way, Andy and Wendy decided to move on, once again, giving the bar soap a new look.

Each bar became its natural color.  This made most of the bar soaps white, the oat soaps a beige-y oat color, and the Amber Bar Soap it’s natural brown.   It remains that way to this day.

Amber Bar Soap will assist your expanding consciousness, by increasing your personal power and activating your mind.

Tea Tree

Saying: Live well under all circumstances

Tea Tree is associated with the number 22.

The number 22 symbolizes courage to face fears with love.

Manufacture: to produce an object (or a scenario of an intangible object) by hand or by machine; small or large scale. Manufactory: the replication of objects by hand.  Factory: the replication of objects by machine. A rhythm developed for the day to day running of the soap business.

This was the time when e mail was becoming the norm, computers began to show up in offices and everything paper was being transferred into the digital world. For many years, Wendy had a paper newsletter that she mailed quarterly. She worked on a variety of very early websites that were 1 page with a list of soap and an e mail for ordering. Once again, great subtle change was sweeping across the world, as most everyone updated to new technologies.

Tea Tree Bar Soap encourages you to face challenges, including the corresponding fears, with love. This enables you to overcome and rise to the occasion of a new beginning.


Saying: Experience what life has to offer.

Mahogany bar soap is associated with the number 23.

The number 23 signifies a willingness to look for opportunities and act when one seems right.

The soap office began to update, incorporating the use of the internet. Pretty soon, trips to the post office to purchase shipping labels for orders, became a thing of the past. Website hosting companies connected with shipping companies across the spectrum. Suddenly, shipping was calculated right there on a website, and a label could be printed right there in your office.

While the office was adapting to new opportunities presented by the internet, Andy and Wendy turned some of their attention toward their new home, and built a new garden. The garden they left behind was established with wonderful soil. That soil was a gift from Andy’s father’s dairy farm, and grew wonderful vegetables. The new garden’s soil was not the best and required the knowledge of building soil health. Once again, learning something new was a challenge and an opportunity.

Mahogany Bar Soap offers you a chance to recognize the moment when an opportunity presents itself, and acting on it.

Pine Forest

Saying: Use positive language

Pine Forest bar soap is associated with the number 24.

The number 24 signifies an opening to a place of study, within your heart.

Ithaca Soap settled into their new location, a new logo, and a new bar soap size. Once again, opportunity arose for them to move from their established Ithaca Farmers Market booth location, that they had been in for close to 10 years. If you have not been to the Ithaca Farmers Market, it is a cooperatively run organization, with 200 small business members. The outdoor, covered pavilion, has close to 100 booths.

It may not seem like a big deal to move within the pavilion, until you decide to do so.  When the market is open and filled with shoppers, it is easy to get lost within the crowd. There is a rush to get the best of what’s in season, creating a bit of a happy chaotic atmosphere. Changing your location can throw shoppers off your trail for weeks.

Pine Forest Bar Soap offers you the chance to discover what’s deep within your heart.

Chapter 3 Lip Balm Sayings