Chapter 3 Beeswax Lip Balm Sayings

Chapter 2 Bar Soap Sayings without Bar Code

Beeswax Lip Balm feels the best on your lips, skin and hair (believe it or not).

The Ithaca Soap and Beeswax Lip Balm story continues, even though lip balms do not have sayings printed on the labels. The bees and Andy empower every lip balm with goodness and love.

Lavender Lip balm

Lavender Lip Balm is associated with the Ace. 

Ace symbolizes new beginnings gifted from the divine.

Saying: Listen to your intuition

As Andy and Wendy moved through the product development stages of bar soap and beeswax lip balm, they learned about bees and their amazing gifts of beeswax and honey. Wendy encountered her 1st swarm, as it flew over her when she was hanging laundry. Working around bees and using high quality wax, transforms a workday into a happy, peaceful experience. Click here to read about Bee and Beeswax Love  

Made with the highest quality perfume grade Bulgarian Lavender essential oil, Ithaca Beeswax Lavender Lip Balm, will enhance your connection to the divine, activate feelings of accomplishment, and invoke serenity.

Clementine Lip Balm

Clementine Lip Balm is associated with the number 26.

The number 26 symbolizes being connected to secretly doing a good deed.

Saying: Knowledge is power

Andy and Wendy ran their business, attended to their lives, and did what they thought was best. Make the best soap and lip balm, proving something good for the Universe, Mother Earth and  her inhabitants. They went to the Ithaca Farmers Market, shipped orders and stocked up their retailers. 

When competition became fierce, Wendy realized she had to tell the story how much thought and goodness she and Andy were putting into their business. There was a growing amount of greenwashing going on in the world of soap makers, as detergent companies and non natural soap companies saw the move to natural soap was catching on.

Clementine Lip Balm helps you distinguish between knowing 3 things: When to keep knowledge to yourself, when to tell what you know NOW, and when to tell LATER.

Peppermint Lip Balm

Peppermint Lip Balm is associated with the number 27

The number 27 symbolizes the essence of planting seeds.

Saying: Reap what you sow

Throughout the years, Andy and Wendy were offered multiple opportunities to compromise their product integrity and ethics. The biggest compromise every company faces is to cut costs as expenses rise. The easiest and most common compromise is to  lower ingredient costs by replacing high quality ingredients with cheaper, potential harmful personal care chemicals.

Essential oils could be replaced with fragrance oils. Organic coconut and olive oils could be replaced with synthetic surfactants, such as sodium laurel sulfate. Skin irritant additives, like limonene, could be added to lip balms to make your lips actually dry out with every use, causing you to use more.

These cost savings would be significant. How many times have you fell in love with a product, only to purchase it after years of goodness, only to find out, the recipe was changed?

Andy and Wendy always ran the soap business with the intention of sticking to their original intent of making personal care they want to use themselves.

Peppermint Lip Balm reminds you to sow the highest quality seeds in your symbolic garden, thereby reaping the best and most abundant physical returns.

Apple Lip Balm

Apple Lip Balm is associated with the number 28

The number 28 symbolizes the concept of home is where the heart is.

Saying: Love is the answer

Apple Lip Balm was an interesting project. Wendy was working with a salesperson, whose specialty was small Mom and Pop businesses. He got an order from an orchard, for an apple lip balm. Well that was great, except Ithaca Soap didn’t make an apple at that time. Wendy thought it was a great opportunity, but had to make the timing work, since orchards have a short season. Sometimes making a new product, even a new flavor, could take an unknown amount of time.

Needless to say, everything came together for the new Apple Lip Balm in a timely fashion, except for the label. Wendy made sure the labels would come on time, and then her label sales person went on vacation. The label production people bumped the Apple Lip Balm label and the sale was lost. The good news is that everyone else was looking forward to a new flavor.  Apple Lip Balm was a smash hit, regardless.

Apple Lip Balm reminds you to put love into your project. When you put your heart into something, your project blossoms.

Clove Spice Lip balm

Clove Spice Lip Balm is associated with the number 29

The number 29 symbolizes starting at the beginning.

Saying: Manifest your dreams

A small business is a life force. Creating, managing, and living within a small business is all a manifestation of an idea. Drive, focus, and discipline are key ingredients to keeping a small business going. This is in addition to product development and sales. A collection of small businesses is what makes communities vibrant, interesting and attractive.

Being part of a small business community is having access to local fresh food, high quality goods, innovative ideas, art, music, friendship, trust, and a degree of community reliableness. It’s an advantageous symbiosis (usually) within a healthy competitive local economy.  You come to expect that every bar of soap,  every liquid soap, and every lip balm will always be available, and exactly like the last bar of soap, liquid soap and lip balm you just finished.

Clove Spice Lip Balm invites you to manifest one of your dreams and give it life.